The Irony Of Love

Love is diverse, unexplainable and as others say hurts deepest. So why does anyone wonna fall in love when they know how deep it hurts?I don't know about all of us but am sure most of the human beings we see around have fallen in love at one point of their lives. Back in high school i had a friend and she always said that true love never ends and truth be told, TRUE LOVE never ends. The one person a human being loves truly is the same person fate never allows one to be with, when two people meet and fall in love, its only human for both parties to do stuff that pushes the other person away.
Normally such a relationship ends in tears and takes a lot of time to heal with at least a third of human beings going into short term relationships that help in getting over the hurt. I am a victim of love, i have loved someone wholly, and it didn't  last long for reasons i would rather withhold. One thing though i have never been able to understand is how easy i forgave the person and we became such good friends. I remember since the first day we met i always used to have the so called 'butterflies' or 'stomach lightening' and till now every time i see him the same happens.
There is only one reason i wouldn't go back to the person and it is the hurt am sure would come out of it. I don't know about you but i do know that living with someone u quickly fell in love with hard because its so difficult to learn to be with the person. According to me the best person to share a lifetime with is the person u learn to care so much about before u even fall in love with them.
Am no love doctor but once in a while i do like to share my thoughts with a few who are ready to listen or even read.......
The one puzzle to me is, is love preventable???????


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