Mental Cancer?

AsSalaam Alaykum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuhu

Kenya's most profitable Company - Safaricom's CEO - Bob Collymore was down with cancer in 2018. Most Kenyans learnt of it after he went missing for a few months. When he was back, he received so much love, hashtags such as #walkingwithcollymore  #overcomingcancer came up; it was just touching, I had never seen someone get so much love in Kenya. I was happy for him, that he had accessed world class cancer treatment and conquered. His wife Wambui left everything to be there for him. I even have a friend who works at Safaricom and when his top boss was away for treatment he felt sick as well. He went for prayers - he never did this before - it was indeed a low moment for the country.

Now, walk with me down the Journey of Reality.
What if Bob Collymore had been diagnosed with a Mental Illness, say Bipolar and not Cancer? What if he had been rescued while attempting suicide? Would the love have been there?
Well, those of us with one Mental Illness or another would definitely have loved him, but what about the rest of the 'netizens?' (forgive me if I have used the word incorrectly). I know for sure that Kenya would have gone up in flames. Bob's 'madness' would have been blamed for all the wrong things that have happened in Safaricom - ofcourse social media detetectives would have dug up all the dirt.
Bob would have been declared unfit - by 'voters' to run such a big company.
A different group would probably have said that the community where Bob hails from is known to have the worlds worst sorcerers...

Why am I writing this?
Because Mental Illness, is not accorded the respect it deserves as an illness/disease. Having a Mental Illness is seen as the same as end of life simply because, according to most, one can no longer function normally. The most interesting thing is, after some surgeries, normalcy is gone, yet treating Mental Illness treatment does not actually require surgery. My Psychologist constantly tells people that THERE IS NO HEALTH WITHOUT MENTAL HEALTH. 

Our Brain/Mind is the distinguishing factor between humans and other animals. That means, if another animal was to get their brain to our human level, we would lose our superiority to the the animals.

But why is Mental Illness not taken with the seriousness it deserves? - Ignorance!

Why do people not research on Mental Illness same way they research on Cancer and Toothaches? - Ignorance!

If witchcraft brings about Mental Illness, why does it not bring Toothaches, Malaria and Cancer? - Ignorance!

If Doctors had named Mental Illness - Mental Cancer, would it have been taken more serious?

Let's keep engaging on the matter - Mental Health.
Reach me on 'Ameerah Nyakiere Mungai' on all channels.
Phone: 0705948335

La illaha la Allah Ash-hadu Muhammadan Rasul Allah


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