
Showing posts from 2019

Mental Cancer?

AsSalaam Alaykum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuhu Kenya's most profitable Company - Safaricom's CEO - Bob Collymore was down with cancer in 2018. Most Kenyans learnt of it after he went missing for a few months. When he was back, he received so much love, hashtags such as #walkingwithcollymore  #overcomingcancer came up; it was just touching, I had never seen someone get so much love in Kenya. I was happy for him, that he had accessed world class cancer treatment and conquered. His wife Wambui left everything to be there for him. I even have a friend who works at Safaricom and when his top boss was away for treatment he felt sick as well. He went for prayers - he never did this before - it was indeed a low moment for the country. Now, walk with me down the Journey of Reality. What if Bob Collymore had been diagnosed with a Mental Illness, say Bipolar and not Cancer? What if he had been rescued while attempting suicide? Would the love have been there? Well, those of us with o...