Parent Enough?

"We all want our children to accomplish big things..."

No! I do not want that for my child!

I have heard that statement too many times. Parents describing how they would want their children to be the best, doctors, lawyers, athletes, with one big talent or another. Some parents go to the extent of bribing their way for their children's excellence.

Parents will push and push and push their children to better grades in school, to certain "cool" friendship circles. As they get into adulthood, they will push them into what they consider ideal mannerisms, designer clothes, and lifestyle expectations.

Children will live most of their lives trying to achieve life standards set by others, their parents included.

Being at the point I am in life, having seen what I have, having lost what I have, gained what I have, I have a different approach to parenthood.



Being a parent, I consider myself to be the one with the authority to owe me. I brought her to this world, she did not choose to be born and so she does not owe me anything. I am responsible for her birth  it is me who owes her a certain kind of life.

All I want for my child is peace and joy. If those two choose to come flying high and mighty, that's good; if joy and peace decide to come low and small, then by all means I shall be happy with her.

I do not want my child to waste time on trying to achieve a certain kind of life while that life will not bring her personal peace and joy.

See, there are people who just sail through, big breakthrough after another, which is good because they are at peace as they sail. This however, does not mean that another person sailing through a different and seemingly small kind of breakthrough is not human enough.

Mine, as a parent, is to play compass, guidance on what is where, (a compass tells you where north is but does not tell you to go north) other than wanting my child to be those big things I would have wanted to be, or see others as.

This is my personal (Valentine Nyakiere) view. Adopt it at your own risk!


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