Valentine And Rotary

I Valentine Nyakiere - granddaughter of my grandmother, am a people's person. I thrive around company, my brain fires up amongst voices and my blood rushes where impact is made.

When I came across Rotary, I did not quite grasp it at first, I can say an initial proper orientation had not been done at the time. 
Then I came across it again, and someone sat me down, told me all about Rotary, and why I was wasting my energy being away from Rotary. So I jumped in, I did not put in one foot to test the waters, or seat by the edge to observe others first, no, I jumped in. 

One of my strengths, which at times doubles up as a weakness is that, when I put my mind to something, then I give it my all. That means, that when that thing succeeds it really lifts my spirits, and that the fail of that thing could mean a personal destruction. Of all the things I have put my mind to that failed, I have never faced a personal destruction, I go through shock but then spring up, when I remember that I actually gave it my all and I could not influence the other circumstances. 'My all' is what keeps me going when all else fails. 

When I joined Rotary I took it upon myself to discover what it is that is in Rotary, that has kept it going for 100 years. What it is that the world's senior people put their time and money to. 

In Rotary, I have learnt of the diversity of personalities and vocations. In Rotary I have learnt how to keep a personal discipline. In Rotary I have learnt multiple ways of serving humanity. In Rotary I have found a chance to give my time, talent and money for the benefit of people I may never see. In Rotary I have known a new kind of fun, the fun that is not wasteful because it is fun in service. In Rotary I have networked. In Rotary I have found a family and friends. 

I am happy about being in Rotary and I am more motivated than I was when I first joined. Moving forward I want to make more time for Rotary, I want to avail myself when I can to give my energy and input. I want to give much more money to Rotary, to help make a difference. I want to invite more friends to being Rotarians and/or friends of Rotary. I want to give much more of my vocation as required in Rotary. I want to read more on Rotary and know how I can make it better. I want to continue being part of the Rotary family that is making a difference around the world. 

I want a better me for a better Rotary.

I want to Live and Die a Rotarian at heart and a Rotarian in action. 


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