The Sad Laugh

Will you cry at my funeral?
Will you eulogise me with kind words?
Will you send my family some money for their troubles?
Will you put my image as your profile photo on Social media?
Will you gather up with other mutual friends to share those nice memories about me?
Will you view my lifeless body at the morgue?
Will you buy the freshest of roses that I will never see?
Will you have moments of silence to just think about me?
Will you feel pity at my daughter for being left motherless?
Will you curse that I died with your debt?
Will you wish you were a better friend while I was alive?
Will you wish you had picked my call when I last called you before my demise?
How long will it take you to forget me after I am gone?

These are questions that I found myself asking an imaginary friend in my head. I sat and thought about the people I interact with, the people I laugh with, the people I often call and I wondered what kind of friends, acquintances and loved ones that I have.

I wondered, if I were to die today, what would happen? Out of respect to the dead I would automatically become something significant to everyone who can pronounce my name. All of a sudden those that never cared for my existence would miss me, those that would barely smile at my success would have the largest flow of tears, those that disgraced me would share tales of how we have been through so much together. 

Then I read The Holy Bible, about Daniel and his 3 friends. These four stuck together, when they were in training, they dared the guards to feed them on vegebales while the others took their normal meals. In the end they were healthier. When they were admitted as wise men, and the King wanted to kill all wise men of Babylon, they prayed together for The Lords mercy and God spoke to Daniel and their lives were saved. When Daniel was made a leader he also asked the king to make his friends leaders... And the story continues. These four stuck by each other, through thick and thin literally, when one was in danger they all carried the burden and walked through it together and while reward time came, they all benefited.

This got me thinking, of the relationships I have had in my life, family, love and friendships and I tried to evaluate them. What I got is disappointing. I have not had people that we can carry each others burdens without judgement. Then I asked myself why. Because I have not had Christ-Inspired relationships, I have prayed for my family or friends or friends I have had, I have prayed that God may remember them in their areas of need, but I have never prayed for my relationship with them. For grace to be sufficient to them and myself so that we can have the strength to stand with each other during those dark moments, and share in the joy of the Lord during the good times.

It is for this reason therefore that I ask all of us God-Believing humans to make it a point of praying for the relationships that we have. Even family relationships are not automatically good and need a lot of prayer. 

When I live I want to share my life with people that can equally share their lives with me, and when I leave this earth I want to have people who can honestly speak about my relationship with them, and quetly experience my mark in their lives.

My prayer to God, "Lord, I pray that you may choose true friends for me, and give them the grace to stand with me. Help me O Lord to be a God sent friend to those friends that You choose for me. Amen"


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