The Still River

Carrying a pregnancy is taking a gamble on one's life. I am a mother, I have a carried a pregnancy for nine months and two weeks. It was a swift journey till delivery when I rubbed shoulders with death (refer to previous posts on this experience).
Am not writing to scare anyone, no, after all mothering has been going on for thousands of years. All am saying is, in gambling, the house always wins, but in rare occasions, it loses. These things happen. Such is life.
When you take a gamble, you cannot transfer the gamble midway, you have to either carry it on to the end or abort it midway. The journey that is gambling and/or pregnancy happens to be a personal one to an extent, and only those close enough understand the feel.
I am in the midst of a gamble as I type this and it is not an easy one as such. It is a risk I am proud to have taken and willing to see it through. I have noted though, that I have matured, I have developed thick skin, and it is not easy to disappoint me. How so? Over the short years I have lived on this earth, I have learnt by experience that, human beings are not to be given 100% reliance. Having known that, I have developed a mental software that generates plan B, C all the way to Z as long as the initial plan involves human beings.
That said, since a human being has just been a flopped plan A it is time to move on to plan C. For purposes of knowing how dear I hold my gamble, I shall skip plan B as I do not consider it a viable option.

Point to note. Am not pregnant (at least as of the beginning of the month I wasn't :-)).


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