My Sunny Nights

So my daughter is off to her grandmother's place for the holidays, and I cannot stick in my house for too long because of the lonileness that has engulfed that house. A normal day when Precious is around starts with one of us waking up before the other, of which if she happens to wake up before me, she pokes my eyes until I start hating my eyelids. She is a calm baby, though very bright, she insists we stick to the schedule of how we do things:- like I cannot make her uji before removing her 'overalls(she uses two without a blanket)', I cannot shower before packing her daycare bag and so on. Precious is only 2 years old but she challenges me everyday, just like her mom, she is always eager to understand this and that so the questions keep on coming. She stays outside the bathroom door until I finish showering, even seems to have captured the time I use to shower and will ask 'mum uko karibu kumaliza?- mum are you almost done?' when am actually almost done. She loves her uji and a plate of previous nights' left overs and while at it, she likes being congratulated and clapped for when she clears her meals - dare I fail to clap and she will make sure I stop whatever am doing to clap for her (I cannot stress enough how much of a go getter she is). Precious reminds me to switch off the lights, to pick the trash, to put things where they should be, she even reminds me to put the key in my bag after I lock the door. The route to the daycare is filled with stories of the things happening around us. The way she gets distracted by seeing other kids, or animals or a strange sound just amazes me. Then if a motorbike and/or  a vehicle approaches, Precious stands at attention on the road-side and does not even blink until the vehicle passes, actually even when am carrying her she makes me do that. Tables turn when she gets to the daycare, the sight of the other kids just lights her up and am lucky if i get a goodbye, but even if I don't, I spend my day fulfilled.
I normaly go pick her after work, and its the best walk of my life, I take it with anticipation, at times I literally run there. On arrival at the daycare, Precious will either run towards me in open arms if she sees me from the gate, and if not she will actually first run a distant away from me then run back towards me in open arms, and i get the worlds tightest hug from the worlds loveliest Princess (the feeling when this happens is only a mother can comprehend). I ask for a brief report of her day from the caregiver regarding health, feeding and general habits. Normaly depending on her morale she may decide to walk or have me carry her, either way, I get a full account of the days' activities starting from who beat who, who didn't feed, what teacher (caregiver) told them. I use this walk home to Identify whether my daughter is properly attended to, whether she is gathering new habits and also teaching her my vernacular language.
On getting home, Precious knows to remove her shoes and throw into the bathroom, then sit down to have fruits. The two chatterboxes that are Precious and her mother get doing what they do best, talking and singing. She takes a bath after her fruits then feeds (we have to eat together since she refuses to eat from her plate). The one blessing I have known from the day I delivered Precious is that she always soothes herself to sleep, ( I may be one of the few mothers who do not know how to soothe a baby to sleep). So when sleep time comes, she just gets sucking her thumb and drifts into dreamland.
Sundays are our bonding day, we spend the day making each other happy while at the same time annoying each other here and there. Precious is a joy in herself that nature deemed right to bring to my life, if you have not met Precious you may be missing on a big chance of awesomeness...


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