So the so called middle class is out all over on social media and radios spreading what should be labelled as idle speech, and making the youth feel as though they do not have a life. This 'middle class' loudly says we should not care who becomes president, or who petitions for the same, who forms coalitions with whom and so on. This 'middle class' tells you its wrong to share an update on developing matters regarding the constitution, elections and what have you, saying that makes you look not successful or able to do business with, makes you look idle and so on and so on. This middle class simply want to set the rules of how everyone should talk, urgue, and manage their online accounts. This 'middle class' is Meddling with other poples lives and making them feel less of people. This 'middle class should be stopped!
If we do not care who rules our country how can we get them to account to us? If we do not care to know whether the judiciary is following the constituion in dealing with the petition, who ends up with the bad leader of the minority? If we do not care which politician said what, how can we ask questions? how can we show them its never that simple? If we do not become a knowledgable nation and pass on knowledge to others, who will experience bad governance? Politicians are rich or may have a little more money than we do, of which some worked hard for, others stole, others inherited and so on. That money is their money, and what they do with it is their business, if you feel they should feed the hungry but they dont want to then that is their business because you 'middle class' no one comes to to do a financial planning for your earnings. Furthermore, when you earn 10,000 more i never hear you donating it all to charity for if that were the case we would not be having the poor. So, our concern should be on government expenditure and not personal expenditure. To the 'middle class', you claim to have a life, well even politicians have their lives and its not upon you to dictate to them what they should do with their lives.
You say they went to Brookhouse for the debate and that doesn't help you take your own child to brookhouse, or buy you clothes, or pay rent and so on. What is it you want? They go to turkana primary to please you? They should do you a shopping to please you? M-pesa you some chums? Oh please! Grow up! Their money may not help us, but their public offices will affect us directly or indirectly. These 'middle class' can yap a whole day but they are the same who thought registering as a voter is boring up until the time they realised its the in-thing and did it, they voted and yet want to tell us caring about the process is wrong!
So, if you know you are a self-confessed 'meddle class', wake up and smell the coffee, cut the crap and live in reality!


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