The Permitted Taboo

So the issue of sex before marriage croped up somewhere as i was talking with a few friends, and wow, the discussion was heated. So i asked, who decides what is right or wrong in matters pertaining to coitus? My christian friends said the Bible has specific guidelines on the same, while the atheists said it was mere ethics.
Like i indicated before, am a believer in the Holy Book (Bible) and it has several verses that condemn adultery and sexual immorality. So what happens when am with someone i have sexual feelings for and we are not married? I do not mean to question God but if He really never intended for us humans to have sex before marriage, am of the thought that He would have ensured women remained unattractive up until the right age set for marriage. He would also have ensured that we do not develop sexually until the right age for marriage came. Then another issue crops up, during the Bible times men went right ahead and got married whenever the sexually urges kicked in and the womens daddy's were so nice to let the young girls go, but what happens now? I dare a man to go try marry a 16 year old girl,and he will be chased away by clan elders with prayers and worse still machetes. Then the guy is patient enough and when the girl is 18 the father will say she has to go to campus and be of class to make a good wife. After campus all she wants is to be a career woman first, make her own money...bla bla bla... so i ask, aint that being unfair to the guy's sexual fantasies? And being human you have to agree with me that holding back those feelings is like trying to hold in pee, can only last long enough...
So this is my take, if you are a human being who is not married and in a relationship, i dont see anything anything wrong with engaging in coitus so long as you have your limits and taking necessary precaution regarding the same. 
To my Fellow Christians esp the 'born-again' ones am just being real and saving myself the trouble of living a lie..


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