The Tired Machine
Am not sure this one will go well with some people. Oh wait, just remembered am not on a people pleasing mission. So, getting on with it, am not at a very good place right now, few weeks ago, for the second time, people I had devoted my time to, betrayed me. Rewind… Am that kind of person who really goes out of my when I decide to. You know I put in my time, resources and literally just sacrifice for whatever I put my mind to doing. This means that when people involved decide to ‘ef’ me up, it goes really nasty on my mind. Play… Within the first half of this year, I have faced tremendous betrayal through this dedication habit I have. The first time I, you know, applied my shock absorbers, my meds and somehow managed to seem to push through (little did I know). Then came the second time, it caught me too much off-guard, plus it was accompanied by a bad physical illness attack and this time I had no shock absorbers. Just as I was trying to figure out if am in a dream or al...