
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Unbreakable Cotton

"Valentine you are a very strong Lady." More often than not I have heard this phrase from family, friends and acquaintances. Do I agree? Yes and No. Mostly No. Those that know me very well, know that there has been some really tough times in my life, those which are even near death situations. Some are outright embarrassing, and some have pushed me into depression at some point in my life. So, have all these experiences made me stronger? I do not think so. Of-course they have made me wiser but definitely not stronger. Strong is the word used on us who have undergone circumstantial change. These experiences have not made me stronger, they have changed me, a great deal. Maybe for the better, maybe not, depends on how you look at it. I always thought I was the only one who felt that way, until a high school friend posted "There's no 'stronger' What doesn't kill you ****s you up mentally and makes you unbearable to the rest of humanity...