The Public Secret
Dignity is defined as 1.formal or serious conduct or manner 2. worthiness 3. high rank, title, etc. So i ask, does sex play any role in the definition of dignity? Most religious persons will answer yes to that question though i beg to differ with that view. A few months ago i met a guy and we started talking and knowing each other and somewhere along the line he popped the question 'how many guys have you had sex with?' The honest answer is 'i don't know' simply because i don't count. We know the number is more than one because the guy who got me pregnant n the guy who broke my virginity are two different persons, but beyond that, keeping record is a total waste of memory space in my head. One time i was under so much pressure at work and stress was creeping in so i went to the bar for a drink to clear my head. Next to me sat a woman who was flashing down shots soo angrily that i got interested n asked her whats up, she told me she had come on a date with a...